While stranded at JFK a couple days ago, I was fortunate enough to be sitting next to a dude, in the AMEX lounge,* who had the most incredible backpack.
I asked him what it was and he gave me a tour of it. Super impressive to say the least. As someone who travels often this company has thought of everything. Just ordered mine today.
If you too travel often, or are a backpack entrepreneur, take a look now, as they have a back to school special, as well as an impressive video tour here: http://mustget.us/backpack
*If you don’t yet have an AMEX Platinum card, and travel often, do yourself a favor and check out the benefits it gives you. It more than pays itself back, quickly http://mustget.us/amex
**”Sure, I’d LOVE an AMEX however my credit score currently isn’t that great.” I totally get that. Here’s how I took mine from poor, to decent, to amazing; simply, easily, and quickly (by following what was told for me to do by this company & service): http://mustget.us/fes